Center for WorkLife Law
My role as a Program Associate at the Center for WorkLife Law, UC SF Law revolved around a lot of project management, both working on and keeping track of multiple events, projects, and deadlines for my team and me. One such project I managed and contributed to is “Winning New Rights for Lactating Workers: An Advocate’s Toolkit,” an in-depth toolkit containing model language, information, and resources for breastfeeding advocates/lactation experts. In addition to working with a designer on the layout and formatting of the toolkit, I created sample social media quote graphics free for breastfeeding advocates to use or mimic for their advocacy work.
In addition to my work on the breastfeeding and lactation toolkit, I supported the logo and branding work for “Dar a Luz: Legal Rights for Farmworkers in Pregnancy and Postpartum,” a project in collaboration with Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy (CAUSE). I created both short and long versions of the logo for social media and promotional use, using the comments and suggestions of both the CAUSE and WorkLife Law teams to make sure the illustrations (especially in depicting an accurate image of a pregnant farmworker working) and logo as a whole are accurately representative of the project.